Write For Us

We're looking for specialized hardware writers to join our team. If you eat, sleep, and breathe benchmarks, PC building, monitors and can turn that passion into great writing, we'd love to hear from you.


  1. Reviewing Hardware (Especially Prebuilt gaming PCs, Monitors, and Gaming Chairs):
    • Can get the products for reviewing on your own
    • Must be capable of producing coherent, “flowing,” well-written coverage of the devices under test. Writing does not need to be flowery — but it does need to be functional and offer enough flow to carry a reader through the piece.
    • More objective and distanced technical writing is preferred for creative writing.
    • Product benchmarking: Execute test cases on products to produce objective metrics by which competing devices are reviewed and compared.
  2. Creating in-depth how-to guides. The topics are related to all PC gaming hardware & peripherals with all levels of knowledge, ranging from “What does monitor response time mean” to overclocking guides.

Who We’re Looking For:

Ideally, you're a journalism graduate with fantastic writing skills. Good knowledge of the technology industry is essential, in particular, PC components and peripherals.

If you established your name in this industry, and you have good connections with big brands like ASUS, Ryzen … You’re the perfect candidate for this job.

We also value experience and enthusiasm for producing video content.

You’ll be a confident reviewer of PCs and PC hardware and ideally have expert knowledge of the hardware market space, including vendors, retailers, and price points. You’ll be able to compose knowledgeable copy and be confident in explaining complex subjects so that they're clear and easily understood.

Skills / Experience Required:

  • Professional writing experience. You should have some writing samples that illustrate you can write about hardware or tech. Can you make overclocking or TN & IPS Panels interesting to people who don't care about them?
  • Technical know-how. You don't need a computer engineering degree, but we'd expect our contributors to have excellent knowledge on the components they're covering.
  • Reliability. Can you work independently, anticipate the needs of our readers, and hit every deadline?

Pay Rates:

  • Per article basis.
  • Negotiable.

How To Apply:

Send an email to [email protected] with “WeJiJ Hardware Writer” in the subject line. Your email should include:

1) Your background and experience with PC gaming hardware.

2) Which product category (or categories) you want to write about.

3) At least 2 articles you feel are closest to the writing style we like. If you don’t have any but are certain you can write in that style, send a paragraph within your email using the tone we are looking for?

4) Your Rate

Congratulations! You made it to the end! What are you waiting for? Email us today!