Computer Video Gaming & Mental Health

The Effects of Gaming on Mental Health

We are all probably accustomed to news stories about the evils of gaming and how it affects our mental health. While it is true some people may suffer adverse effects and they tend to be spotlighted in the media, what is equally true is that gaming can offer a wealth of positive benefits for our state of mind - it’s just we don’t get to read about it as often.

This year WeJiJ has carried out a survey into gamer’s mental health to take a snapshot of how people are feeling in these unusual times.

Startlingly those respondents (53%) who believed there are negative perceptions in the media were 87% more likely to report a negative impact on their mental health, compared to those who think there is no negative perception in the media (47% of respondents).

It is statistics like this that starkly highlight how our perceptions can be altered by the media we consume but is it fair that gaming takes the rap for a lot of bad things that happen? At WeJiJ we not only want to contribute to the conversation about gaming & mental health but to also rebalance the perception.

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