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What is Google Bard? – what is it used for?

Google Bard is a new Large Language Model chatbot set to revolutionize the AI space

Updated: May 30, 2023 1:39 pm
What is Google Bard? – what is it used for?

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Google Bard was introduced earlier this year, giving those that sign up for the waitlist a chance to test out the new conversational AI chatbot. Google Bard has been developed by Google AI and works in a similar fashion to ChatGPT, with vast datasets providing the answers to many questions. The tool isn’t the only exciting AI news out of Google, Duet AI was also announced with integration into well-known Google apps such as Docs, Sheets, Gmail, Slides, and lots more.

As it stands, Google Bard is still in its testing phase, with the platform rolling out to more testers in Q2 in 2024, before a full release later in the year. Google Bard was initially only available to those in the US and UK, however, there are now 180 supported counties. The tool is going to be able to do a wide variety of tasks, including the ability to understand visual prompts and even utilize Google Maps.

Large Language Models really have changed the way we think about the future of computing and it looks as though Google Bard could end up leading the charge. Google Bard was recently moved to PaLM 2 which further advanced the chatbot’s maths, logic, and reasoning skills. This means Bard is now able to help with code generation, debugging, and explaining code snippets, with 20 coding languages under its belt.

How does Google Bard work?

Google Bard is a tool that can be used for research, efficiency, creativity, or just some old-fashioned fun, but how does it actually work? Bard is free to use a text-based chat that responds in a human-like way to any query or task you may have. For now, the bot is only capable of answering simple questions but can also help with math problems and code too. In time, Google Bard will evolve into a general all-around helper, no matter if you are writing a new CV in Google Docs, or trying to create a presentation in Google Slides.

At its core, Google Bard is a Large Language Model (LLM) chatbot and it gets its responses from a large dataset of online text and code. Using this dataset it can respond to your questions informatively, in a matter of seconds.

Delving deeper, Bard works by using Natural Language Processing (NLP), a field in computer science that looks at the interaction between computers and humans.

NLP Techniques:

  • Tokenization: This is the process of breaking down text into individual words or tokens.
  • Part-of-speech tagging: This is the process of assigning a part-of-speech tag to each token.
  • Named entity recognition: This is the process of identifying and classifying named entities in text, such as people, places, and organizations.
  • Dependency parsing: This is the process of identifying the syntactic relationships between words in a sentence.
  • Semantic parsing: This is the process of identifying the meaning of a sentence and representing it in a structured form.

These techniques are used to help Google Bard understand your request and the meaning behind it, leading to better responses.

Google Bard process tree:

  1. You type a request into the Bard interface.
  2. Bard uses NLP techniques to understand the meaning of your request.
  3. Bard generates a response based on its understanding of your request.
  4. Bard displays the response to you.

Google Bard features

The main feature behind Google Bard is text generation, with everything from poems, coding, and scripts being generated, all the way to letters or emails. Bard can answer in an informative manner, giving you comprehensive information about various topics. The tool is very interactive and can follow your instructions to generate accurate and useful responses.

The future of Google Bard and its features goes a lot further than this, with application integration being one of the main talking points. you are going to be able to use Bard to provide you with answers to many questions, however, all eyes will be on Duet AI’s integration with apps such as Docs, Slides, Sheets, and more. This will improve efficiency to no end and potentially make the whole Google ecosystem the best it has ever been.

When is Google Bard being fully released?

Initially Google had a waiting list in place which users could sign up to if they wanted to gain access to Bard however on May 10th 2023 Google made Bard available in over 180 countries and territories.

Google has also stated that they aim to roll Bard out to mare people and places in the future.

Who can use Google Bard?

At the moment, anyone in the list of supported countries can use Google Bard. To access the tool, you need only sign into an existing google account or create one. The service is free to use and is definitely worth a look, however, it is still in ChatGPT’s shadow for now.

Google Bard is currently available to use in English, Japanese and Korean. Again Google has made it clear that they intent to expand on these languages and introduce support for many more.

Is Google Bard better than ChatGPT

Google Bard vs ChatGPT is a debate that people will probably having for a while. Both of these AI programs have their advantages so an answer might not be as clear cut as you might think.

An advantage that google Bard has over ChatGPT is its integration with the Google search engine. This means that unlike ChatGPT Bard’s responses can include up to date information. Bard also tends to include more context in its responses which some people will prefer.

What is PaLM 2?

PaLM 2 is Google’s latest language model, with improved multilingual, reasoning, and coding capabilities. Google has spent the past decade developing AI and learned a lot along the way and came to realize that human feedback is a vital resource in this field. PaLM 2 is faster and more efficient than previous models and actually comes in different sizes. The reasoning behind this because Google states “bigger isn’t always better“, puns aside, PaLM 2 is available in four sizes, catering to a wide range of use cases.

PaLM 2 has been trained in more than 100 languages, meaning its ability to understand, generate, and translate text has improved quite a lot. PaLM 2 features a massive dataset, including everything from scientific papers to web pages, giving it an improved ability in logic, reasoning, and maths.

The data sources give PaLM 2 the ability to enhance coding experiences in languages such as Python, Prolog, Forran, Verilog, and JS.

Overall Google Bard and the language model behind it, PaLM 2 are going to be huge in the AI space. PaLM 2 is going to be powering 245 Google products and features and it looks incredibly exciting.

What does Google’s Bard do?

You can ask it questions, research, or fix code. Google Bard is a generative AI that responds in a human-like manner. The tool is now available in 180 countries and in 3 different languages.

What does Google’s Bard stand for?

Bard means “Poet”, traditionally one reciting epics.

Shaun, with a computer science degree and 15 years of computer experience, has been passionate about competitive FPS gaming since the mid-2000s.

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