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What’s The Best Operating System For Gaming In 2023?

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The first thing most people do after purchasing a shiny new gaming PC is to decide which operating system best suits their bespoke requirements. Well, in all honesty, most people just get Windows and are done with it. However, there are more options out there and people should be aware of this.

In the modern age of PC gaming, gamers have a whole host of operating systems to choose from. Whilst the obvious choice is Windows, there are other options available that may offer you a unique and more tailored overall experience. In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the main operating systems available for gamers in today’s market. We’ll be exploring why you might choose one over the other, concluding with which is best for your gaming needs. So, let’s waste no further time and dive straight into it!

What is an operating system?

For all intents and purposes, the operating system is the beating heart of your PC or laptop – it’s the software component that performs all the essential functions on your computer. The operating system manages your computer’s hardware, software resources, and also provides common services for computer programs. Without an operating system, all you have is a heap of components that aren’t capable of much at all – unless you plan on using that new GPU to beat none social distancing individuals away.

Your computer’s operating system is the fundamental piece of your PC which allows all the programs to work – including your games. It can also manage the hardware resources of your PC, utilize the functionality of peripherals, and scheduling tasks too.

Back when computers first came to fruition, the only operating system people could get their hands on was MS-DOS – a fairly basic system that was brought to life thanks to the mild success of CP/M. Fast forward over 40 years later and the operating system game has evolved into a different beast entirely. Today, users have an almost endless amount of customization, functionality, and versatility at their fingertips. Furthermore, developers are constantly improving their operating systems to ensure the best possible user experience is achieved.

The Most Popular Operating Systems

As we enter a fresh decade, gamers and general users of PCs and laptops have a bunch of different options when it comes to choosing an operating system.

For those that have only heard of Windows, below we’re going to go over some of the most popular options available in today’s market.


Let’s kick start with Windows. Anyone that’s used a computer will probably have come across or used the Windows operating system. It’s by far the most popular operating system out there, offering up an extremely easy-to-use interface that almost anyone can get their head around. With Windows 12 still some way away, Windows 11 is currently the state-of-the-art operating system. Still, nearly every mainstream game supports older operating systems such as Windows 10.

Windows has come a long way over the past couple of decades, with iterations ranging from Windows 1.0 (back in the early 90s) through to Windows 10 of today.


Apple’s Mac operating system is another hugely popular OS and comes pre-installed on every Apple product out there. The most recent version of Mac OS is Mojave – an updated version of OS Catalina. The next operating system is called Ventura – and is expected at the tail-end in 2024.

Apple enthusiasts will swear by Mac OS, saying it’s by far the best operating system out there. For some, this statement is absolutely true. It provides stunning visuals that other operating systems can’t and it’s absolutely water-tight when it comes to virus protection. Despite most people buying Mac computers for productivity tasks or work, they do actually offer support for a wide variety of games from different platforms. So, choosing a Mac computer for gaming is 100% a viable option. That being said, it does come with its limitations – which we’ll touch upon shortly.


Lastly, we have Linux, the least mainstream of the three big operating systems for PCs and laptops. When you think of an operating system for gaming, Linux isn’t the first name that springs to mind. Having said that, Linux does offer support for a bunch of games that can be found on several platforms. Unfortunately, the Linux learning curve is extremely complex, meaning if you plan to pick it up, you’ll have to invest real time in learning how to get the most out of it. That being said, if you consider yourself tech-savvy and enjoy some of the other functions of Linux, you’ll be pleased to hear that you can run games on it – albeit not as efficiently.

Which is the best operating system for gaming?

So, which of the above operating systems is best for gaming? Well, this is a pretty easy one. It has to go to Windows.

Windows is by far the most user-friendly option when it comes to custom applications and games. Not only does it offer support for more games than the other two operating systems put together, but it also runs them more efficiently as well – with increased FPS figures found pretty much across the board.

Whilst MacOS is a perfectly realistic option for gaming, they aren’t the most powerful when it comes to hardcore gaming. Unlike a Windows PC which allows for endless customization and upgradability, the same can not be said for Mac laptops. When you buy a Mac, you’re buying into a non-upgradeable laptop. That means, unless you plan on getting the most powerful model in the lineup, you’re going to struggle to compete with a desktop Windows PC for performance – it’s as simple as that.

Linux doesn’t really get a mention for the best operating system for gaming, it simply isn’t tailored towards mainstream gaming. It’s far too difficult for most people to learn, and doesn’t offer nearly as much support as the other two options. For me, if you want to get the best experience possible from a gaming PC, choose Windows.

Related Pages

Below are some popular pages we’ve created on operating systems, including common issues, bug fixes, and ‘How To’s:


So, there you have it guys, our quick rundown of the best operating system for gaming in 2020. We hope this guide has shed a little light on an area that is otherwise considered a little confusing. At the end of the day, if you’re into gaming, the best operating system to choose is Windows. It not only offers up more support for a wider range of games, but it also provides better performance thanks to the components you can equip your desktop PC with.

If you have any questions regarding this subject, feel free to drop a comment in the section below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Better still, you can now head on over to our Community Hub where you can discuss everything PC related with like-minded individuals.

Monitor & PC Product Specialist AT WEJiJ

Charlie Noon


Charlie has been with WeJiJ for nearly 5 years now, becoming a senior tech writer in 2021. He started off writing monitor and TV reviews, but quickly moved into a more affiliate-based role. After finishing College, Charlie pursued his joy of PC gaming by building several PCs for his favourite game, Counter-Strike. To this day, Charlie continues to enjoy gaming and PC building inside and outside of the office.


Charlie started his career with BGFG after a long 5-year stint traveling Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. While he could have pursued a further career in the building trade, he decided to delve into the world of PC gaming and journalism. Being a keen gamer and PC builder, it was easy to transition between the two industries. After showcasing a real joy for both writing and PC building, he was moved into a more senior position, which he continues to hold to this day.


Charlie completed his A levels at Culcheth College. After, he took a 5-year break to travel and work overseas.

2 thoughts on “What’s The Best Operating System For Gaming In 2023?”

  1. Amazing and informative post Charlie! thanks for sharing it. I really still prefer using Windows when it comes to OS because of its friendliness feature. Also, most software is built for Windows only. Other software for Mac is very limited too. Good thing that there is an online tool that works on almost every web browser including Chrome and Safari just like the recording tool that I am using. I used to record my screen with record-screen.com every time I use a Mac computer in my work and I love how it works perfectly on Mac and it can record in high-quality too. But to be honest, i still love Windows

    • No problems Moira, and I think many feel the same as you :]

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