Logitech G703 Mouse Review

Logitech comes to the table with an ergonomic delight, the G703 is simple in design but deadly in performance.

With the G703 wireless mouse, Logitech has engineered an ergonomic dark horse. The G703 boasts the same Lightspeed wireless technology as the G903 and the G Pro, which is highly impressive with its 1ms report rate. The G703 is ergonomically designed for the right hand and my palm grip fits snug with the shape of this mouse. It is really comfortable and at 107 grams it’s easy-going on the mouse pad. This was Logitech’s first wireless mouse that supported the Powerplay wireless charging feature and can give right-handed gamers financial relief if the G903 was a bit too pricey.

The G703 feels and looks like an updated G403 which is essentially the same mouse with improved wireless connectivity. It handles very much the same as well and the mouse was really easy to adjust to. It features the PMW3366 sensor which we have tested in other mice and again it was flawless. The mouse is priced at around £80/$80 which makes it a similar price to the G900 however due to the G703 being designed for the right hand I preferred it by a country mile. If you are looking for a technically good ergonomic mouse or you want to take advantage of the Powerplay mouse pad while saving some cash in the process then the G703 is a big contender.




  • Ergonomic Design – Sits in the hand nicely.
  • Sensor – Highly responsive sensor.
  • High Quality – Well built and feels solid.
  • Software – Intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Wireless Performance – Features Logitech’s Litespeed technology.
  • Powerplay ready – Wireless charging.




  • Bottom Heavy – Felt slightly unbalanced.
  • Right handed only



Logitech G703 Product Rear Angle

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Mouse Size & Weight

  • Weight: 107g
  • Size: Medium
  • Length: 12.4 cm – 4.8 inches
  • Width: 6.8 cm – 2.6 inches
  • Height: 4.3 cm – 1.7 inches
  • Hand Orientation: Right



Mouse Tech

  • Sensor: PMW3366 Optical
  • Buttons: Omron D2FC-F-K (50M)
  • DPI: 200-12000
  • Polling Rate: 125 / 250 / 500 / 1000Hz
  • Connection: Wireless
  • Battery Life: 24-32 hours



What’s in the box

Logitech G703 Product Box

There are no thick card boxes or fabric tabs with the Logitech mice. It arrived in a simple unobtrusive box and oozes functionality like Logitech products.

Inside you’ll be getting:

  • Wireless G703
  • Nano receiver
  • USB adapter
  • USB charging cable
  • 10-gram weight

Size & Weight

Logitech G703 Product Left Side

I was testing the completely black G703 and when I say it’s just like the G403 Prodigy I wasn’t joking, they look identical. It’s a medium-sized mouse but I have to say the raised body makes this mouse feel slightly larger than the Razer Mamba when it is actually smaller (by 2 mm). The size is perfect for my hand shape and my natural palm grip eases into the slopes and groves of the shell. it’s long enough (12.4cm) and wide enough (6.8 cm) to prevent my hand from touching the desk when playing. Its size is really comfortable and it’s still light enough to accommodate for other grip styles, although claw and finger grip players may experience some fatigue.

It weighs 107 grams which aren’t wrist breaking and it comes with the option to add 10 grams of weight if you require. It’s worth noting you wouldn’t be able to use the wireless charging feature on the Powerplay pad if you wanted to make this mouse heavier. The G703 does seem like a mouse for all (right-handers), and as long as you don’t have exceptionally small hands I can’t see anyone having issues with how this mouse feels.

Shape & Texture

Logitech G703 Product Right Side

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The shape of the G703 is simple with an impressive ergonomically designed shell. It has a very inviting shape, my thumb slotted into the groove like a glove and I was able to rest my ring finger and pinky comfortably on the wide slope. The ‘Hump’ of the body is unobtrusive and nestles in my palm nicely sloping up from right to left. As mentioned its shape is just like the G403 but the G603 has the same indistinguishable shape and design. The body of the mouse is quite chunky and feels slightly more elevated than other mice in the palm. It tapers in at the side for your thumb and down at the main buttons for your index and middle finger to sit comfortably enough. The main buttons start to curve vertically into the middle of the mouse creating a philtrum like gap for your mouse wheel to sit.

The outer shell is a smooth matte plastic just like on the G Pro, which doesn’t move at all when I apply pressure to different areas of the mouse. Unlike the G603 the main mouse buttons are separate from the rest of the shell. I’m a fan of this because it feels like a more reliable click and even though I doubt there is any noticeable difference in actuation I prefer it. Both sides of the mouse feature a rubberised texture rather than extra grip pads. The texture of the rubber is brilliant and keeps the grip cemented to the mouse while adding comfort. The texture of the mouse seems to evade perspiration during long gaming sessions and even while playing on low sensitivity I never lost control of the mouse.


Logitech G703 Product Top Angle

The main buttons remind me of the G Pro for the simple fact they feel great for fast clicking and the sound they make is quite enjoyable. They have low actuation and with the same switches as the G903, they have a massive 50 million click life span. The G703 features 2 thumb buttons on the side which are smooth and quite large but I never accidentally pressed either. The thumb buttons for once felt sturdy and responsive whilst also being easy to click. The mouse features a textured rubber scroll wheel up top that has a thin RGB strip running through it for a little bit of glamour. The tactile wheel won’t let you scroll infinitely like the G900/903 but it is a lot quieter and more robust. There is a DPI switching button located behind the scroll wheel which is great but I would have liked to see 2 smaller buttons allowing me to cycle up and down quicker. It’s worth noting there are only 6 buttons on this mouse which you can’t customise. Finally, on the underside, there is an on/off switch that sinks into the base.

Sensor & Performance

Logitech G703 Product Bottom

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With the G703 sporting the highly regarded PMW3366 sensor and the same switches as the G903, I was expecting a similar quality performance and it didn’t disappoint. The PMW3366 sensor is noticeably responsive and precise, you can see why it was arguably one of the best optical sensors until the HERO sensor came along. PixArts 3366 has zero smoothing, filtering or acceleration across its 12,000 DPI range.

The tracking was excellent, it didn’t matter if I was tracing with my crosshair or snapping between 2 targets the sensor didn’t let me down once. I personally prefer the Turemove3 sensor in the Rival 650 but this is a solid sensor and I could happily game with it daily. While running CSGO I noticed I found it quite hard for long-distance taps where I had to micro-adjust but this was most likely down to me not being used to the weight of the G703. I couldn’t see any jitter while zooming in on targets and with a max IPS speed of 400 the mouse felt reliable with faster movements. After I had acclimatised to the mouse the consistent accuracy of the sensor shone and combined with its ergonomics it didn’t feel like a new mouse at all, in fact, it was like id be using it for months. You can go further and improve the sensor more if you use Logitech’s surface tuning in the software, now I can’t honestly say I couldn’t see or feel a difference but that’s not to say it didn’t do something. The G703 performs as well as expected, it’s brilliant and I think despite your grip style or preferred game type this mouse could please you.


The mouse connects wirelessly to the receiver on a 2.4 GHz connection and it did this without any dips in performance. Now the G703 features the Lightspeed technology developed by Logitech, which they managed to prove was in some cases more responsive (milliseconds) than some wired mice. The purpose of Lightspeed is to eradicate the need for wires an offer gamers a competition-grade wireless mouse. The technology delivers end to end optimised connectivity with a report rate of 1ms and you really can’t notice any difference in responsiveness to wired mice.

Battery Life & Charging Time

Taking around 2 hours to charge, the G703 will last around 24 hours if you play with the vibrant RBG lighting on or a fairly decent 32 hours if you turn off the lighting. You can fiddle with the settings in the LGS to create an efficient colourful hybrid if you wish. The rechargeable Li-polymer battery seemed solid but as it has the PMW3366 it will run the battery down a lot more than a HERO sensor would so if you don’t care much for RGB then get them turned off! I managed to get a good 2-3 days of work/gaming done before I had to drag the charging cable out. The cable is braided, about 1.8 metres long and sits in the mouse effortlessly so if you ever did have to go back to ‘wired’ you can.

Now the exciting feature to the G703 was its compatibility with the new Logitech Powerplay mouse pad. This new mouse pad featured an innovative solution to an age-old wireless rechargeable mouse problem, battery life! The new Powerplay mouse pad connects to your desktop and will charge your mouse the entire time it’s on the mouse pad (even when you play). What’s really cool about this is the fact you won’t really have to charge your mouse again, so no more wires. The Powerplay comes with a small circular puck (Powercore) similar to the one that holds the weight on the G703 except for this one when swapped out will connect to your new pad and charge! The ‘Powercore’ weighs 5 grams so if this mouse was as heavy as you’d like it then maybe a regular mouse pad is for you.

Mouse Software Section

Logitech’s gaming software and its newer ‘G-Hub’ are really intuitive and the more I use them the more I regard them as superior software to a lot of other manufacturers. You can change the different preset DPI options in the software then you can cycle between them using the DPI button. You can set up different profiles for different games, create macros and change the RGB lighting effects or just turn them off entirely. Using the software you can also monitor the battery life of your mouse and you can sync up your G703 with the Powerplay enabling a unified lighting show.

Our Verdict

The G703 performed much better than I ever imagined as I was able to be effective in-game instantaneously and I often judge a mouse by how easy I find it to use early on. It’s for right-handers (like me) and when you pair its ergonomics with the top quality sensor it makes it hard to fault this mouse. It’s extremely comfortable to use and at no point did I get cramp or fatigue in my hands. The feet/skates were big and curved enough to provide enough frictionless movement and the switches were noticeably better than G603. Whether you’re willing to part with an extra £100/$100 for the Powerplay mouse pad or not its still worth the investment. Overall it’s a high-quality mouse that can be used for a multitude of games and if you want stellar performance with impressive wireless capabilities then this right-handed monster could be one to consider.

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