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Nvidia DLSS 2.2 Improvements – Reduced Ghosting & Smudging

The First Look At DLSS 2.2 Has Reduced Ghosting In Rainbow Six, Death Stranding, And Cyberpunk 2077

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The full official release of the latest version of DLSS – DLSS 2.2 – is still round the corner but Digital Foundry have managed to test the new technology on various games via copying and using the same DLSS library they have access to, to see what improvements it brings over DLSS 2.1.

The major problem that people had with DLSS 2.1 was visible blurring and ghosting effects in some instances during movement. It seems this is the main area that DLSS 2.2 seeks to improve over its predecessor.

The Digital Foundry testers tried DLSS 2.2 on Cyberpunk 2077, Death Stranding, and Metro Exodus and you can see the results below.

Bear in mind that the official release of the technology for each of these games will have to wait until each game developer has successfully tested the technology and ironed out any compatibility issues.

Nvidia DLSS 2.1 vs DLSS 2.2 Cyberpunk 2077

The notoriously ghosting heavy elevator in Cyberpunk 2077 has been vastly improved in this area – with no discernable ghosting effects in DLSS 2.2 as you can see in the gallery image above. The second image also shows the improvements to thin and distant powerlines, which previously appeared disconnected with more noticeable gaps in between.

Nvidia DLSS 2.1 vs DLSS 2.2 Death Stranding

Death Stranding DLSS 2.2

Smudging effects on smaller distant objects in Death Stranding, in particular oily-looking droplets and flying birds contrasted against a lighter sky, has been reduced in DLSS 2.2, along with a general reduction in ghosting during motion.

Nvidia DLSS 2.1 vs DLSS 2.2 Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus DLSS 2.2

Ghosting and blurring has been reduced in Metro Exodus, and as you can see in the above image, mesh fences show crisper edges, with greater distinction between the wire fence and the rendering of the images behind it.

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Aaron Ritchie

Gaming laptop reviewer, tech specialist, lifelong gamer, cantankerous wordsmith. A big fan of writing and laptops, Aaron is the in-house laptop and gaming laptop expert, dabbles in the world of tablets and keyboards, and also serves as a Senior Editor on the team, using his eye for detail to make sure our review content is up to scratch. Summary From halcyon days playing Sonic 2 on the Megadrive, to trying to work out how to make the 'TOASTY!' man appear on Mortal Kombat 3, many of Aaron’s fondest childhood memories are associated with gaming. He regrets nothing. First getting into PC gaming through exposure to Drug Lord 2.0 and then the original Half Life, he has been a fiend ever since. The only thing Aaron loves more than history, gaming, laptops, and writing is finding a good deal, so look out for his laptop deals pages this year. Experience With jobs ranging from working the tills in a bookies to running administration at a political think tank in Westminster, plus a stint in investment management, Aaron has had a varied career. What has remained constant however has been his eagerness to learn new things, his ability to do in-depth research, his eye for detail, and his talent for editing (words and video). All of these skills he utilises in his job - making sure the consumer has the very best idea as to whether a laptop is worth their time and money, and working hard to ensure no detail is missed in his in-depth reviews. Education Investment Management Certificate MA Filmmaking BA History A Levels: Biology, Chemistry, Medieval History AS Levels: Psychology, Philosophy