Maxnomic vs DXRacer Gaming Chairs: Which Brand is Better?

Maxnomix vs DCracer Gaming Chairs Which Brand is better
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“Crack! Crack!”

That’s the sound you hear when you stand up and stretch after sitting for long hours playing games (or editing articles, in my case).

If you’re reading this now, you know how important gaming chairs are for the comfort of gamers like you and I. And of course, a nice chair from brands such as Maxnomic and DXRacer can always help with back pain after frequent long sessions at the computer.

Since we value our readers as much as we value our health, we decided to pit Maxnomic Vs. DXRacer gaming chairs against each other to find out which brand is best.

Maxnomic Gaming Chairs

The Maxnomic gaming chairs are made by NeedForSeat, who you might recognize from their lines of gaming clothes and various gaming accessories.

Maxnomic chairs come in four stylings:

  • Casual Sport - the most basic and the most affordable among the series.
  • Office-Comfort - dedicated to tall and big guys looking to experience utmost comfort.
  • Pro Gaming and Office - a gaming chair with an enhanced seating comfort and the #1 choice for eSports players.
  • XL series - the gaming chair that’s perfect for extended long hours of use, thanks to the thicker foam padding and adjustable lumbar support.

Maxnomic also has a Special Edition and an OSU edition on top of that.

DXRacer Gaming Chairs

Compared to Maxnomic, DXRacer is, without a doubt, the more popular gaming chair on the market. While that doesn’t make them the de facto winner, most popular gamers and streamers use DXRacer gaming chairs.

Maxnomic may have four categories but DXRacer has 5 categories to choose from, which are divided into ‘series’:

Maxnomic Vs DXRacer: Comparison

Whether its Maxnomic, DXRacer, or Secretlab, you shouldn’t just choose a gaming chair because it’s what most people are using, you should evaluate and choose one based on your needs and findings. So, to help us narrow things down, here are a few criteria to help decide the best:

  • Comfort
  • Accessories
  • Variety
  • Price


It’s hard to decide which is more comfortable. As you can see, these two brands are at the top of the food chain but there has to be something that sets them apart.

Both offer a wide range of ergonomically designed chairs to ensure that users get maximum comfort. Moreover, they also offer neck and lumbar support to make sure everyone gets the right level of support.

But Maxnomic offers adjustable lumbar support, unlike DXRacer.


Don’t forget that premium gaming chairs offer more than just comfort. In fact, comfort is the base requirement, everything else is how you separate yourself from your competition.

Both chairs let you embroider your name on the headrest for a more personal feel because you’re worth it.

However, Maxnomic has its own specialized SeatQuake system that you can attach to the chair for a more immersive gameplay experience. But what does this do, exactly?

The SeatQuake system does more than just giving you comfort. It literally rocks your body as you go about your game. It’s like you’re physically in the game since you feel all the vibrations, especially when playing racing games.

On the flip side, DXRacer offers more when it comes to versatility. You can choose among many types of mouse pads and footrests and have them mounted on the chair. But keep in mind that this is only available to certain models.


While both Maxnomic and DXRacer offer quality comfort and accessibility in their own specific ways, do they offer a variety of products you can choose from?

It’s clear that DXRacer wins this category since they literally have 5 categories of chairs compared to Maxnomic’s 4.

If both chairs’ models support you, then you probably don’t care. But if you’re one of the people who Maxnomic doesn’t cater to, then you might feel left out.

Ultimately, that’s why variety is important: so that you can have a chair that perfectly fits your physique and needs.

Moreover, DXRacer gaming chairs also have what they call special edition gaming chairs on top of the 5 series. If you fancy specific games, products, and companies like SK Telecom T1, CoD: Modern Warfare, FNATIC, Counter Logic Gaming, and more, then feast your eyes with their very wide selection of special edition gaming chairs.

But doesn’t Maxnomic also have special edition gaming chairs and OSU editions?

Yes, they do, but even if you add up both editions, the number of options you can choose from still can’t compete with DXRacer’s catalog.


On the high end, both of the brands have gaming chairs that would cost you over $600 after taxes.

However, while there is a negligible difference in price between their high-end models, the gap becomes much larger once you look at the cheaper options.

DXRacer gaming chairs have a starting price of $239 while Maxnomic starts at $329.


Both Maxnomic and DXRacer gaming chairs offer superb quality. Even so, there are features that still make both of them unique.

If you’re on a budget, then DXRacer wins hands-down.

But, if you’re looking to take your gaming experience to a whole new level, then go with Maxnomic for their SeatQuake system.

The Author Who Worked On This Article

Product Specialist - Gaming PC, Prebuilt Gaming PC, GPUs, CPUs,
Summary Shaun has been working with WeJiJ for nearly 5 years now, becoming a Product & Affiliate Editor in 2021. He started off writing gaming PC content and PC case reviews, but quickly moved into a more editor-based role covering a wider range of topics. Shaun has multiple qualifications in I.T and Computer Science A big fan of PC gaming and all the hardware involved. Everything from graphics cards to gaming mice, Shaun's your man. Experience Shaun first took an interest in PC gaming back in the mid-2000s, moving from the console. With a keen interest in I.T, Shaun began studying various computer-related courses over his time in higher education. After college and university, Shaun began building gaming PCs professionally, before finally picking up an editorial role at BGFG. Shaun has been with the company now for nearly 5 years, helping expand the site in several different avenues but always keeping a close eye on PC hardware. Education BA: Web Development B-Tech: Information Technology A Levels: Business Studies, I.T, D & T

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