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Do gaming chairs work on carpet? Best recommendations

Carpet bombing deez search results

Updated: Oct 18, 2023 12:16 pm
Do gaming chairs work on carpet? Best recommendations

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Do gaming chairs work on carpet? Yes, but not all gaming chairs are created equal, especially when it comes to using them on soft flooring.

Anyone who’s ever tried to drag an office chair over a carpet knows that otherwise smooth casters can quickly become bogged down in the soft fluffy mire.

Despite how annoying it is, there is a good reason why gaming chairs generally perform so poorly on carpet.

After all, the gaming chair is none other than a descendant of the humble office chair, meaning that it’s inherited some of the less-desirable traits as a result.

Unless you work somewhere exceedingly fancy, you’ll know that offices are not carpeted and if they are, it’s usually a cheap nylon affair that’s physically indistinguishable from linoleum. especially as far as office chair casters are concerned.

So office chairs work well in their natural habitat, but as the office and the home blurred together, helped in no small part by the COVID-19 pandemic, the inherent design issues of office chairs began to rear their ugly headrests.

Best gaming chairs for carpet

Before making our recommendations, we stress that you needn’t buy a specific chair, nor upgrades for the chair itself. You can instead dodge these problems by purchasing a chair mat.

GTRacing GT603-RED Floormat

These are both useful for protecting posh hardwood flooring and allowing any gaming chair to work on carpet for minimal investment.

However, this solution does limit the usable area of the chair. Meaning that you’ll only get a couple of square meters, exceeding this will give you the same result as trying to skateboard in a swamp.

For those of you who prefer to roam free, like a giraffe in the Serengeti, there are a couple of gaming chairs that work fine on carpet out of the box.

Highly Recommended

EwinRacing Flash XL Series

E WIN Flash XL Series



Weight Capacity

Up to 550 Lbs

Height Capacity


In our EwinRacing Flash XL Series review, we made note of how large the chair is, and the same goes for the wheels. They aren’t specialized to carpet per see, but the larger-than-average diameter helps them roll smoothly anyway.


Secretlab Titan EVO 2022 Series

secretlab titan evo 2022 series

Height range (Medium Size)

5’6″ – 6’0″

Maximum load


Seat width




Height adjustment range


The Secretlab Titan EVO 2022 Series performs well on the soft stuff as is, however, in their continued efforts to support this chair long after release, Secretlab has provided many an accessory.

They allow you to purchase large-diameter roller-blade style wheels for this chair. These roll easier than anything we’ve seen, though the price premium might put some people off.

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