DDR4 3200 vs 3600

Whether you’re looking into building a gaming computer from scratch or if you are looking to update your system, it’s important to take into consideration the RAM.

DDR4 3200 vs DDR4 3600
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Whether you’re looking into building a gaming computer from scratch or if you are looking to update your system, it’s important to take into consideration the RAM. If you don’t already know, RAM stands for Random Access Memory and acts as a storage system when you have different applications running. It’s worth noting that RAM is not a permanent storage space. RAM is there to help give you the optimum performance level whilst you’re using your computer.

If you like a smooth gaming experience with no delays or buffering, then you should seriously look into DDR4. In 2014, DDR4 hit the market with some impressive stats which we will run through for you shortly. The issue at first was that it was slightly more expensive than the previous version. In fact, DDR3 still had hold of the market after DDR4 was released. However, now that prices are beginning to decrease, DDR4 is becoming more popular in the gaming world.

If you want to run DDR4 on your gaming system, then you mean business. The only thing that you need to decide on is what capacity of DDR4 RAM best suits you and your gaming habits. We’re going to run through DDR4 3200 and compare it to DDR4 3600 to show you what each model has to offer. You may initially think that the larger capacity of RAM will be best for you but this isn’t always the case. Whether you enjoy gaming casually or professionally, we are here to help you decide!

The Specs


Those specs are impressive, right? Before choosing the right DDR4 for your system, you need to know all the details. They can be hard to find and if you’re new to this, they can be difficult to make sense of. So sit back and let us break them down even further for you by running through each component for both the 3200 and the 3600.

Clock Speeds

For those of you who are new to PC building, we will quickly summarize what each component is before looking into both the DDR4 3200 and 3600. Clock speed is measured by the number of pulses per second that sets the speed of the processor. On average, clock speeds have been doubling each year which means technology is rapidly improving. However, having a faster clock speed alone does not majorly improve your gaming performance. You will have to upgrade the other hardware on your computer to see a real benefit.

Let’s dive in by starting with the DDR4 3200 which has a clock speed of 3.2 billion cycles per second. This is an impressive output and you will see a vast improvement in your gameplay if this is an upgrade for your system. However, it is well known in the PC world that a higher clock speed will always outperform a lower option. With that being said, the DDR4 3600 will be the best option for you if you are also upgrading other hardware on your PC.

With the DDR4 3600, you will get a smooth gaming experience which means no lagging, no buffering, and of course, you will get the best gameplay if you choose this memory. Remember that it is important to also upgrade other parts of your PC to get the largest benefit from using either of these RAM additions.

CAS Latency

Column Access Strobe (CAS) is the total number of cycles your RAM performs when it receives a command to when it responds. Latency is a little different, it is the delay time of when your RAM is issued a command to the time it takes to respond. It goes without saying, that the lower the CAS latency, the better the performance output.

DDR4 3200 has a CAS latency ranging from 14 to 16 whereas DDR4 3600 ranges from 15 to 19. Looking at these ranges, it can be possible that both RAM modules can have the same latency figure. This kind of makes it difficult to say exactly which is better than which for this section.

What we will conclude is that if you go for a DDR4 3600 which has a CAS latency of 18, it will perform slower than if you went with a DDR4 3200 with a CAS latency of 14. In these instances, you should check out the CAS latencies of your RAM module options before purchasing.

Memory Capacity

When it comes to memory capacity, the more you have, the more your RAM can store data. A larger memory capacity also allows your RAM to access the applications you want to run quicker. Choosing a larger memory capacity gives you a more efficient performance level if you have multiple applications open.

Both the DDR4 3200 and the DDR4 3600 can support up to 64GB of data. Memory capacities can vary on both memories so definitely double-check the storage space before purchasing. For example, you may want to opt for a DDR4 3200 MHz with a capacity of 64GB rather than a DDR4 3600 with a capacity of 16GB. Having a larger capacity level will help your computer system run faster and smoother so think capacity over RAM.

Number of Pins

The pins on the modules of the DDR4 3200 and 3600 both add up to 288. These pins help to connect to the motherboard of the computer. What we love about the 3200 and 3600 MHz modules is that they have been designed with curved edges which makes installation a lot easier. They just glide in nicely without having to add any additional pressure and risk damaging the modules.

For this feature, neither is better than the other. They both have great design and ease of use. Perfect for anyone who is just starting with their PC build!

Compatible Chipsets

Another important component is the chipset. A chipset is a group of chips that work together to improve the way the processor and other devices communicate. Both the DDR4 3200 MHz and the 3600 MHz work with XMP 2.0 which makes them compatible with AMD and Intel. This chipset helps your computer to run at unbelievable speeds even when you have multiple applications running.

XMP 2.0 is a great option for any gamer who wants only the best gameplay. As both modules run this chipset then it is up to all of the other features to set one module apart from the other. You can’t have a top chipset but a low memory capacity or a slower clock speed. You won’t get the quality gaming experience that you are looking for! So definitely take all of our advice into consideration before making your choice.

Power Voltage

Both the DDR4 3200 and 3600 MHz run on power voltages of 1.2V to 1.4V. This makes both options a lot more power-efficient than previous modules. Whilst running on these low voltages, your system will be able to achieve much faster clock speeds without draining any unnecessary power.

As they both use these voltages, they’re both great choices. What may sway you one way or another are the other features that the modules may have included.


As you can see from all of the fantastic features both of these modules include, to decide on which one performs better than the other is based on a variety of aspects. You must take into account each of the components we have discussed to come to the best conclusion on which is best for your PC.

In summary, some of the most important things to look out for are a high clock speed, a low CAS latency, and a large memory capacity. These three are probably the most differentiating aspects of each memory module. Gather information on the products you are interested in and compare the specs to help you decide which is best for you.

Remember that just upgrading your RAM may not always produce the best results for your PC. To get the best performance levels during your PC build, you must also look at upgrading other hardware items for the full effect.

Pricing and Availability

When you start looking to buy either of these modules you may feel overwhelmed by the thousands of products available to buy. We have researched the best options on the market to bring you easy to find recommendations. We have trawled through so many reviews to ensure that these products are quality that we would use ourselves.

Kingston HyperX Predator Black

Kingston HyperX predator Black


4GB - 16GB


DDR4 2400MHz - 4133MHz

Cas Latency



Sweet spot between price and performance

Fantastic Design

Relatively small in size


Not the quickest available

Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 3200 MHz C16

81JWN2szdLL. SL1500 1


16GB (2x8GB)


DDR4 3200MHz

Cas Latency



Looks great in a nice case

Solid performance

Easy to set up in iCue


Definitely paying more for the RGB bells and whistles

DDR4 3200 MHz

Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 64GB (2x32GB) DDR4 3200

This product is readily available to buy with stocks being replenished very often. Great if you need something in a hurry to improve that all-important gameplay. This product ticks all of the boxes we have discussed. With a memory capacity of 64GB, which is split between two modules in this package, your gameplay will be seamless. Don’t expect any lagging when you have this component installed as its high performance is just second to none.

Another feature that this product has is the colored LED lights which you can customize to match your PC. This additional feature is liked by many of the reviewers as it makes their system look and feels sleek and impressive as well as helping multiple applications run efficiently at the same time.

The pricing of this component is mid-range. It is worth the extra money to get it from Corsair as they are a reliable brand in the PC world. You won’t be disappointed with this product if you decide that the 3200 MHz is more suitable for you and your gaming style.

DDR4 3200 MHz

Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 3200 MHz C16

Another option that we will throw in for good measure is this Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3200 MHz (2 x 8 GB) module. This is a more affordable option which also packs a punch. This product is super easy to install in many Intel and AMD series. The multi zone RGB lighting makes your system look cool and will stand out from the crowd.

When it comes to performance, you will be able to hit 3200 MHz with no problems. The clock speeds may be lower than a DDR4 3600 MHz component but do not let that put you off! Having two RAM cards of 8GB allows both of them to perform smoothly at the same time to reach the full 16GB capacity. Many gamers have commented on how well their gameplay performed when using this product.

If you are gaming professionally or spend the majority of your spare time at your PC, then maybe this wouldn’t be your top choice. This is mainly because to get the peak performance, you will need much higher RAM storage. If you are just starting out, this could be an affordable option which won’t let you down with lagging or buffering.

DDR4 3600 MHz

Again, this product is widely available to purchase so you will rarely have any issues finding stock. If you decide that DDR4 3600 MHz is the best choice for your gaming system then we highly recommend this product. Not only does this product give you 64GB of memory but it also has low CAS latency which means that it will perform quickly without jeopardizing your gameplay or other running applications.

This kit also helps you achieve a fast clock speed to help you avoid any delays or lagging in your gaming experience. The only thing with this product is that it is quite advanced, so it may not work effectively if the other hardware components on your PC aren’t upgraded also. As always, we recommend using the latest technology to achieve fast performance and quality gameplay.

The kit is split up into four modules which are fiercely designed in a black graphic pattern. This gives a professional, no-frills, and let’s get down to business attitude. If you are serious about your gaming, you know that a high-quality RAM DDR4 module is one not to be messed with.


HyperX Predator Black 64GB kit 3600MHz DDR4

To summarize, both modules are highly effective pieces of hardware. If you have DDR3 or previous versions, then upgrading to DDR4 modules will significantly improve the speed and performance of your PC. DDR4 3200 and 3600 MHz both have beneficial features which we have discussed above. The fact that they run on low power voltages and can be used for both AMD and Intel devices prove that they are a positive investment.

As we have stated throughout this article, the most important components that you need to compare are the clock speeds, CAS latency, and memory capacity. These features can differ in both modules and can make or break your gaming experience. DDR4 RAM will compliment your gameplay, that is something we won’t argue about! However, you must run through the specs to come up with the most suitable RAM module for you and your computer.